Saturday, November 17, 2007

Pomander on a Budget

photo from

So, while perusing Target today, I ran into this bath sponge.

Target bath sponge, $2.99 (found in cosmetics aisle)

My wedding obsessed brain said "Oh mah gaw - so cute for a flower girl!!" and it instantly went in the basket. Of course, my girls will carry baskets and actually throw petals (let's hope the 2 year old complies) and not bath sponge pomanders, but really, this is adorable! Because I obviously have way too much time on my hands, I grabbed some fancy gift ribbon, and tied it on for dramatic effect:

Ok, so if it is the day before your wedding and you wake up in a panic sweat only to realize that you had forgotten about your flower girls, this would be an option. A cheap one. They also come in light blue.

Cute? Or am I off my wedding rocker?


Anonymous said...

i's cute......but...i just dont know.

ami @ elizabeth anne designs said...

it is cute! i have read somewhere that ones with flowers are easy to make too, you can just use carnations and a foam core from your local craft store.