And, Loverrific is also the name of my Etsy Store!
Loverrific... Fashion for Your Fridge
Click HERE to go to the Loverrific Store on Etsy
A few of my creations:
The inspiration behind Loveriffic came from my huge collection of fabric scraps. Some vintage, all FABULOUS. There really isn't a lot you can do with little squares of fabric, but I couldn't bear to part with it. I had been to a craft fair a while back where I purchased some really great refrigerator magnets that were made from great magazine clippings. I thought, hey! Why can't I do that with fabric? So, Loveriffic was born. I love doing it, and each set comes straight from my heart. Most are made from fabric, but some are made from magazine clippings (I currently have a wedding series, surprise surprise). Check out the stock early and often, as I'm constanly discovering new fabric (My fabric stash is a bottomless pit. I'm serious.) Or, if you are looking for a particular color or design scheme, purty please let me know. I'm sure I can hook you up.
Magnet Girl